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The congress' contributors

The congress' Contributors

Rosanna Tarricone

Rosanna Tarricone is Associate Dean at SDA Bocconi School of Management and Associate Professor in Public Administration at Bocconi University, Department of Social and Political Science, Milan. She graduated in Business Administration at Bocconi University and holds an MSc in Health Services Management and PhD in Public Health and Policy, both from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London, UK.

She has been the leader of MedtecHTA, an EU-funded research project that has made recommendations on how to improve methods for assessing the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of medical devices and she currently serves as scientific supervisor of COMED, an EU-funded research project on improving assessment methods of costs and outcomes analysis of medical technologies, including mHealth.

Rosanna serves as an expert for the DG Research and DG SANTE of the European Commission. She facilitated the continuous exchange of experiences and harmonisation of methods and procedures between the HTA Agencies of the EU Member States within EUnetHTA. Since 2007 Rosanna is an advisor for the Ministry of Health (MoH) of Italy and has contributed to the design and development of the National Programme of HTA for Medical Devices.

Master of Ceremonies


Learn more about Ana Toledo-Chávarri

Ana Toledo-Chávarri

Coordinator of the Patient Involvement Strategy, Spanish Network of Agencies for Assessing National Health System Technologies and Performance- RedETS

Ana Toledo-Chávarri

Advisory Board Members

Programme Committee Members

Patients included

We are proud to announce that EPF Congress 2021 is Patients Included™. This means that EPF is committed to incorporating the experience of patients as experts in living with their condition while ensuring they were neither excluded nor exploited.

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