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The congress' contributors

The congress' Contributors

Emma Doble

Emma Doble joined the BMJ in 2018 and is the patient editor for education. Since 2020 she has also led on the Patient and Public Partnership Strategy. Her work includes managing the ‘What your patient is thinking’ series, developing patient partnership in BMJ events and driving patient partnership in our BMJ cross journals.

At the age of 4, Emma was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes which she struggled to manage growing up. She set up and developed a number of projects to initiate peer support for young people with type 1 to help others manage and cope with their condition. Her interest in patient partnership began when she began working with her local diabetes team to review, and redesign, the diabetes service whilst completing her MSc in Health Psychology.

Emma also works with Cochrane UK as a patient coordinator focusing on encouraging wider connections between the organisation and patients. She has also worked with many other organisations on patient partnership including JDRF, Diabetes Scotland and the Scottish Government.

Master of Ceremonies


Learn more about Ana Toledo-Chávarri

Ana Toledo-Chávarri

Coordinator of the Patient Involvement Strategy, Spanish Network of Agencies for Assessing National Health System Technologies and Performance- RedETS

Ana Toledo-Chávarri

Advisory Board Members

Programme Committee Members

Patients included

We are proud to announce that EPF Congress 2021 is Patients Included™. This means that EPF is committed to incorporating the experience of patients as experts in living with their condition while ensuring they were neither excluded nor exploited.

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